A Quick Sunday Post

1. I have officially quit diet soda for the last time. I have been drinking Diet Coke for the past 18 years, usually having anywhere from 2-20 per day. (That’s not a typo.) What changed? My toddler grabbed my soda, drank a sip, and LOVED it. That absolutely broke my heart. I can’t let my son go down this road — I have to woman up and quit. I’m now several days out of the Diet Coke habit and feeling pretty good. I’ve vowed to not even get Diet Coke at restaurants… I’m sticking to iced tea and water.

2. Whole avocados make the best breakfast ever. I’ve jumped on board the avocado train in a major way. I now have 10 at home that are, unfortunately, rock-hard and need to ripen so I can eat them. Who would eat a Luna bar when you could have a whole avocado instead? I’m a fan.

3. My job environment changed and I now have access to a fridge during the day. I am SO excited for this — now I can actually bring my own lunch and keep it refrigerated! Life just got a lot easier… and I expect we’ll save a bunch of money, too.


Happy Sunday, all!


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4 responses to “A Quick Sunday Post

  1. GREAT idea with the diet soda – especially as apparently it still spikes insulin levels anyway (despite having no sugar) so still produces similar effects to sugar-rich drinks. Glad you’re feeling good for it! Definitely going to try avocados for breakfast…

    • I hope you love avocados for breakfast as much as I do. 🙂 They keep me full for hours – it’s really amazing.
      Diet soda is so evil that way! 😦 I’m now out about 10 days with only 1 diet coke and surviving so far.

  2. Before you know it, you’ll wonder how anyone drinks soda. I was a 2-12 diet Pepsi (or diet Coke, if that was all that was available…any port in a storm) drinker from ages 14-38. After about 2 weeks of eating clean, I noticed that my 12-pack of diet Pepsi was sitting in the refrig, untouched. Next trash day, I tossed it…haven’t had a sip of soda since mid-Nov 2007 and don’t miss it. Water and iced tea here too!

    You can force avocados to ripen by putting them in a brown paper bag but just do a few….because 10 ripe avocados is great if you have to make a giant batch of guac for a party but if it’s just you eating one a day for part of your meals, they will not get used up in time and you’ll have to throw them out. I don’t know about where you live, but for me, $1 each is a bargain price for avocados, and I sometimes have to pay $1.59 or more for one…so I only buy 2-3 at a time — one slightly mushy (just enough that I can dent it a little) and two unripe. So those last me 5-7 days and are ripe enough when I need them.

    Packing lunch and being able to refrigerate it is so key! You are only limited by your imagination. 🙂 Enjoy!

    • I am SO GLAD you got me started on eating avocados. I have been up since an uncivilized hour and just finished one for a morning snack — and of course, it was amazing. Our avocados are actually pretty cheap – we can get a bag at Costco for maybe $4. Not so bad at all.
      And I’ve had only one diet soda since this post! I got one mindlessly just because it was what I always did, and decided to drink it just to see if it was any good. It was pretty disappointing overall and not nearly as good as I had built it up in my head. Who knew it would be so easy to quit?!

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